Brief Description:
Victorious song, sung by the israelites after safely crossing the Red Sea
More details:
'AZ YASHIR MOSHE...' This song was sung by the Children of Israel after they had miraculously crossed the "split" sea on dry land and looked back to see that the pursuing Egyptian army had been totally engulfed by the crashing walls of water that had towered above them. Thereupon, Moshe broke out in song to G-d, and was joined therein by the jubilant mutitude. This painting depicts the Red Sea after it has returned to normal, with the scattered remnants of the destroyed chariots of Pharoh and his hordes. In the background, one can see the Israelites, who have resumed their desert march toward Mount Sinai and eventually Eretz Yisroel. This creation is done on parchment, with the Song set around the border in the form in the of three concentric circles, in authentic "Assyrian-style" script, identical with that used in Torah scrolls and other sacred objects... and accented with appropriate deptictions of details related to this major event in Jewish history.